Saturday, September 8, 2012

on the whole30

Kathleen makes a really good point that the focus on food that the Whole30 requires can make you crazy! Part of my hope in doing the program twice was to internalise a few of these good habits so that I can make these positive choices for my tummy out of habit, not because I am constantly obsessing aware of every little choice. The Whole30 is easy in terms of making the choices quite simple (chocolate? no. zucchini? yes. soy sauce? no. almond milk? yes, if there's no added sugar). But the constant stream of dancing cupcakes in my brain during it really made me feel deprived sometimes. On the other hand, I am now very aware that this feeling of deprivation is just. in. my. head.

Benefits I have gained from this experiment include more consistent energy, generally feeling healthy, a happier tummy and less bloating (although I've not entirely done away with it), leaner body, less PMT symptoms, and sleeping really well. I didn't notice any change to my skin, like a lot of people seem to, but (dare I humble brag? ;) my skin is pretty rad anyway.

The only things I genuinely miss are chocolate and wine, but I'm alright with them being once in a while things, rather than the dailies they have been in the past. There's also nothing like a real soy milky coffee (now I drink flat whites, not lattes) once a week or so. In general, I am happy to go on eating this way 90% of the time and really hope I can keep it up.

Lessons I have learnt:
  • Regular exercise is damn important (no news here!).
  • I love to eat! I eat frequently and what feels like a lot. That's ok, as long as I'm hungry and eating good things.
  • There's no substitute for fresh vegetables and fruit.
  • My tummy does not mind whole grains in moderation.
  • Dairy enhances my allergies and makes me phleghmy.
  • Drinking alcohol sometimes makes me sneezy.
  • Sugar wreaks havoc on my energy levels and I feel a lot better without it.
  • There is sugar in everything! When you read labels, you quickly discover just how insidious it is. In savoury foods, in bacon, in spice mixes, in sauces, in sausages. Everything.
  • Mah guts no likey really spicy foods.
  • Miso, as I've previously discovered is bad town, not sure about soy sauce, etc, but soy milk seems to be generally okay.
  • My eating is strongly linked with my emotions, but if I wait out the urge to eat, I can make it through.
  • Just eat it because it is good for you! Most of the time it can be delicious!

Friday, September 7, 2012

on this week.

Good morning from my kitchen. It's lighter in the mornings now, so the sun is up when I go for work. Although it's been a cold week, it's been fresh, sunny, windy, the birds and out and about! While running this week, I passed very close by two kookaburras just chilling out on a sign. They are majestic and down right cool birds.

I feel like all I do is complain around here but this week was a stressful one. A week where I just felt plain overwhelmed and bombarded, where work was draining, where deadlines added up, where uni tutors gave me hassle for missing classes for work, where emails in my inbox stared at me all angry like, and where decisions were hard.

Marsh helped me turn it around with ignoring some text messages, a little girl & boy time, a visit to see my family and play with a puppy, and making time to go for a run (c25k 4.1, which i totally rocked). By yesterday I was feeling much more upbeat and singing the glories of Friday. I think the fact that tomorrow night I hit the road for 10 days helps. There is something so nice about saying, "I'm going out of town, I won't be replying to your emails, leave me alone!" ;)

Before I get on the plane, I've got some serious stuff to get done, like ironing everything, packing a suitcase, downloading uni readings, going to the library, two rehearsals, a dance class, friend time, boyfriend time, finding some accessories (dress straps! other earrings!) that seem to have wandered, and getting some sleep! Wish me luck!

some links I've been loving...
a great post on dating your partner long term.
how teen self-esteem is linked with spending time with parents.
i'm gonna eat this and this.
some shoes i've been seriously crushing on.
here's a cute picture of a duck.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

on week days.

Our weekend was a busy and wonderful one. We spent a lot of time together with friends and family, seeing bands, eating a lot of pizza, brunching, lunching, celebrating a dear friend's 40th birthday, and napping! Rare joy of joys! I took a bunch of photos with Marsh's snazzy camera that I will share soon, huzzah. Add in a five hour rehearsal on Saturday morning, which has left me with some killer bruised knees, and you've got our weekend.

During the week, things get hectic, work is draining (emotionally, not physically) and there is a long list of things to get done. This sort of soul suck often casts static over the crazy enjoyable, enriching times that do happen. Like coming home to a hot dinner and cuddles from a lovely boyfriend, long Sunday lunches with my family, and just all my friends. Love that stuff, I truly do!

(P.S. It's a rainy week in Perth and I haven't started week four of c25k yet. I rocked through week 3, finishing on Friday, but week 4 is scary! Run for five minutes? Y'all are cray-zay.)