Kathleen makes a really good point that the focus on food that the Whole30 requires can make you crazy! Part of my hope in doing the program twice was to internalise a few of these good habits so that I can make these positive choices for my tummy out of habit, not because I am constantly
Benefits I have gained from this experiment include more consistent energy, generally feeling healthy, a happier tummy and less bloating (although I've not entirely done away with it), leaner body, less PMT symptoms, and sleeping really well. I didn't notice any change to my skin, like a lot of people seem to, but (dare I humble brag? ;) my skin is pretty rad anyway.
The only things I genuinely miss are chocolate and wine, but I'm alright with them being once in a while things, rather than the dailies they have been in the past. There's also nothing like a real soy milky coffee (now I drink flat whites, not lattes) once a week or so. In general, I am happy to go on eating this way 90% of the time and really hope I can keep it up.
Lessons I have learnt:
- Regular exercise is damn important (no news here!).
- I love to eat! I eat frequently and what feels like a lot. That's ok, as long as I'm hungry and eating good things.
- There's no substitute for fresh vegetables and fruit.
- My tummy does not mind whole grains in moderation.
- Dairy enhances my allergies and makes me phleghmy.
- Drinking alcohol sometimes makes me sneezy.
- Sugar wreaks havoc on my energy levels and I feel a lot better without it.
- There is sugar in everything! When you read labels, you quickly discover just how insidious it is. In savoury foods, in bacon, in spice mixes, in sauces, in sausages. Everything.
- Mah guts no likey really spicy foods.
- Miso, as I've previously discovered is bad town, not sure about soy sauce, etc, but soy milk seems to be generally okay.
- My eating is strongly linked with my emotions, but if I wait out the urge to eat, I can make it through.
- Just eat it because it is good for you! Most of the time it can be delicious!