Want to know a secret?
On Monday I started the C25K and I am terrified that I will fail, which is why it's a **secret**. Let's talk about running.
My line on running has previously been that I am not a runner, never have been, and never will be. I much prefer team sports, aerobics, dancing, fitness classes... Anything form of exercise I can do that distracts me from the fact that I am exercising and gets me around people. I love to exercise in a group. When I have made little forays into running in the past, I am quick to give up. I find running hard! Physically I find it tedious, mentally I find it even more difficult, when I start to hurt and there's no real reason to keep going besides "just because" - no ball to chase, no high kicks to do, no instructor watching that's going to pound me - I just stop. Ho hum, oh well, running's not for me.
Images from TheColorRun.com |
I thought long and hard about this and I made a decision. A decision, I must note, that is a much more determined decision than I have ever made before when it comes to running. Sure, I've made half-hearted wishful goals to run certain races but I've never seen it through, which is why I'm so scared now. But why shouldn't this be the time? Why can't I face this goal like a grown up, with a bit of grit and determination? Why shouldn't I do this now? No good reasons, etcetera, etcetera.
This is the plan and my promise to you, Internet: With my trusty C25K app and a hand-selected playlist of optimum tracks to run to, I have begun the process and in eight weeks (around the time we leave for Melbourne Fringe), I should be running 5K. You guys, that is five kilometres and that will be a miracle. Then next February 17, two days after I turn 26 (eek, eek! bite nails!) I should be running through giant powder puffs of colour like a Smurf on acid. After all, as J-Biebs says:
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