Sunday, December 30, 2012

2012, instagram review (part II)

The second half of 2012 was even more intense than the first half (which shouldn't have surprised me, but it did). More photos!

I took a 10 day work trip to Melbourne and Sydney,
got really sick and sweated out my fever in a hotel room (unpleasant), took advantage of my sister's free tickets to see a Bob Dylan Tribute show at The Palais,
saw doctors on the road, and caught up with my beloved Sydney crew.

When I got home, we kept up rehearsals for our Fringe show, Mum and I went to the Good Food & Wine Show,
Six Appeal took a little trip on the train up north to perform in sequins,
Ben imported a new girlfriend from Ireland (yay for Anita!) and Robbie ate all the things.

We played with puppies and visited new bars in our neighbourhood,
discovered Superstar Waffles and Tutti Frutti (the whole30 was well and truly over by this point, I guess),
we had breakfast with friends and Megan turned into a chocolate vampire.

We celebrated Fathers' Day at the Fish Pub!, yesssss,
I took another work trip with Michelle and Emily to Sydney for Lush Christmas Training!
Then I ate a tiny icecream toadstool...

Brad, Anna and I had a gelato party,
I went back to Canberra for another work conference, saw Hanson in concert and fell in love again,
Katelyn hosted a pizza party before she jet setted off overseas, and Cheryl turned 40 with a bang (i.e. a rock'n'roll party).

We took a little overnight trip down south with some friends, came home and started packing for Melbourne,
where we performed, drank vodka, hung out with friends, and discovered Phat Brats,
we celebrated Dia de los Muertos in style, and ate a lot of pumpkin choc chip cookies.

We also enjoyed time spent with Elly and our friends from Sydney, celebrated Kathryn's 23rd birthday, I danced in sequins with some friends, and then I ate all the Vege Chips (in. the. world.)

One night, I went from zombie to gogo glitterati in less than 45 minutes (n.b. fake skin is hard to get off in a rush),
we started preparing for our trip overseas, hens day celebrations we had for Annaliese,
I got really close to running my 5k goal, and we ended the month in Melbourne (again).

In November, I also finished all my assignments and exams for my Grad Dip. #winning

On the 1st of December, some of our bestest friends Trevor and Annaliese got married.
And everything was wonderful and nothing hurt. (And Elly caught the bouquet.)

We spent a week in Vietnam,
Jarrad was sad to go home but then it was Christmas,
and the annual Christmas Cook-off defeated us all.

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